Excalibur 102PF Matte Additive is in paste and can be mixed into Excalibur plastisol inks to greatly reduce the gloss associated with a cured plastisol decoration. after adding 102PF Matte Additive to your color the result will be a smooth, matte print that will be less tacky or sticky feeling than regular cured plastisol prints. Matte additive does not contain any puffing agents. For best results, add 6-10% by weight to any Excalbur plastisol ink and mix thoroughly.
Always test finished prints for curing, adhesion, bleed-resistance, ink film thickness and desired look prior to beginning full production run. Lancer Group International cannot guarantee the results or back claims that the mixed ink will test phthalate-free if this additive is mixed into any plastisol ink other than a plastisol ink manufactured by Lancer Group International.